DXCC League Table

This is a new feature for the website designed to encourage a little competition between members and to see how people are doing chasing new countries.

The figures given are worked totals as peoples’ confirmed totals often depend quite greatly on how long they have been active and how much has been invested in direct QSLing. Unless otherwise stated, these figures were correct as of 20th January 2007.

Anyone else wishing to be included in the table, please e-mail me your totals and I will include them. I will publish new totals every three months or so depending on interest and activity.

10m 58 114 43
12m 19 22 28
15m 118 145 153
17m 71 37 85
20m 189 128 157
30m 39 3 8
40m 136 70 83
80m 43 52 43
160m 5 1 18
Challenge 718 575 621
Phone 214 202
CW 109 169
Digital 3 23
Mixed 233 226 234

*G7VJR’s logging program does not provide individual mode totals.

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